
Google Analytics 4: Essentials for Local SEO

Embark on a journey with Dana DiTomaso as your guide to unravel the mysteries of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Dive into the essentials, demystify complex analytics concepts, and learn to harness GA4's power for local success. Whether you're a novice or seasoned marketer, Dana's expertise will illuminate your path to mastering GA4 and elevating your local SEO game.
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Why take this free local SEO training course?

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Familiarize yourself with terminology and the user interface 

Learn what Events are in GA4 and how to use them

Find out how to set up goals and ensure traffic is recorded properly

Discover how to pull your data into an easy to understand report

5 modules

22 videos

16 quizzes



Who is this local SEO training course for?

In-house marketers who have had Google Analytics 4 set up for them but need to use it regularly, and SEOs at agencies without in-house analytics support.
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Training course contents

Dive into essential modules covering GA4 basics, data stream setup, event tracking, conversions, and reporting. Learn to navigate GA4's interface, configure properties for multiple locations, and harness powerful reporting features. Elevate your analytics prowess and confidently unlock the insights GA4 offers for strategic decision-making. 

What people think

This course was super helpful to do a quick audit of what our contracted SEO agency had done to set up our GA4 property. It was helpful to navigate along with the videos and know the lingo, SO HELPFUL.

Samantha Hoffman
The course content is concise and to the point! The presenter excels in delivering clear explanations in easily understandable language.

Yasser Elnabarawy
I learned a lot from this course! Thankyou!

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Meet the Course Leader

course leader

Dana DiTomaso

You’ve probably seen Dana present at a conference, or maybe you’ve heard her on the radio.
With her 20+ years experience in digital marketing and teaching, she has a knack for distilling complex topics into engaging and easy-to-understand instruction.

After wading in rivers while completing her geography degree, Dana fully embraced the allure of the Internet in its earliest days. She worked in tech support for a CRM, and then started a web design company in 2002. Shortly after that, she became engrossed in helping her clients’ websites show up first on search results pages. Dana immersed herself in the SEO community and began speaking on technical and local SEO topics in 2012.

In her spare time, Dana yells at football players and collects hobbies.