Terms and Conditions for
BrightLocal Academy 15% Discount Offer


The offer is not applicable to individuals with an existing subscription.

Course Completion Requirement

To qualify for the offer, participants must successfully complete at least one or more courses within BrightLocal Academy.

Subscription Deadline

The offer is valid for subscriptions purchased on or before April 1st.

Pricing Modification

We reserve the right to adjust the pricing of your plan at a later date, including the event of a wholesale price increase. Any such modifications will be communicated in advance.


By availing yourself of this offer, you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions. BrightLocal reserves the right to amend these conditions as necessary and will notify participants of any changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions relating to this offer or any of the BrightLocal website and services, please feel free to contact our Data Protection Representative by emailing privacy@brightlocal.com.